Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Art is the form of work that allows man, to come closer to a truly spiritual experience. This experience has the virtue, of taking shape and communicating in multiple ways, a truth that leads to others truths and to the understanding with and beyond reason, of the purity of communion with an inconceivable experience. This is because Art and specifically Mystic Healing Art is a bridge that connects Wisdom -the renovating, transforming, spiritual energy- and man. This particular type of art is not a still expression of light and color.
But the manifestation of a work, which contains an esoteric technique and has the power and virtue of keeping active the energy which represents each painting, each work. This is a synthesis of universal energy that works as a powerful transmission of the highest energy of health, peace and love, which is inspiration. The technique contains the esoteric, spiritual principles of balance, equilibrium and renovation. Each artwork is a living source of activity and synergy of light and form, shaped and prepared in such a way that the painting expresses to us, a universal key of equilibrium.
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