Monday, July 16, 2007

As we advance in the quest and logic of spirituality, we realize that is simple and natural to understand that Good and Justice are right and should prevail. Nevertheless, not all persons fulfill this knowledge, even more, a lot of persons are very far from this knowledge.
What is the reason of this?
Starting now, we are going to understand a mystery and by revealing this, it will become a light in your lives, forever.
To be born, to exist, to be are not accidental events in which we don't have participation,
but on the contrary, we do have participation. And this can be summarized and explained as follows : Life is the beginning of the discovery of life per se, which means, that we must get to discover and know ourselves. We have to bloom in the virtue of the action, perception and in a rightly placed consciousness.
All this is achieved with work, study, concentration and even with sacrifice and not because of the sacrifice but because of the effort in order to reach the desired goal.
This is the reason that life is a wonderful opportunity but requires of our will united to our whole existence to enter the purest reason and the most sincere spiritual quest.
Good will not arrive alone, will not be given without effort, will not be reached without protecting it and taking good care of it. Life must be an experience of true, filial love, which has solidarity and is committed to a superior good.
Good is only reached in this way.

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